After treating Alice individually for a number of months, I said, “Alice, I’m inviting you to join my psychotherapy group. It would offer new ways to learn about your self. ”
“I’m intrigued, Christine. How is it different from they way I’m working with you now?”
“Well,” I continued, “first off, let’s consider that we’re all social beings, so the quality of our relationships influences how satisfied we are in life. “
“So true. Mostly what I talk with you about are my relationships at home and at work. That’s the basis of my ups and downs.”
I nodded in agreement, “You and I have talked a lot about the struggles you have with your partner and the pleasure you feel when you two come to an understanding. We’ve also talked about not feeling appreciated at work and how that reminds you of not feeling appreciated by your family. And you’ve told me that I don’t always appreciate the effort you make to come to therapy.” Read more
Why Racial Affinity Groups?
/in Consultation, Group Therapy, Therapy /by Christine Schmidt(A PDF version of this post is available here:)
Affinity groups are developed in corporate and non-profit organizations to strengthen diversity and inclusivity efforts. They are homogenous support groups composed of people who share common interests or experiences (Indeed, n.d.).
In clinical and community settings, homogeneous affinity groups are similarly designed to offer a safe space for people to support each other in learning and healing situations. They foster interpersonal connections in pursuit of a broader unifying vision. While affinity groups may form around common needs or behaviors (e.g., single parenting, substance abuse, survivors of domestic violence), they also form around key identities (gender, sexual orientation, race) and offer a safe space for members to examine the elevation or subjugation associated with the social locations of their identities (Watt-Jones, 2010).
Read more
Whiteness Learning Group
/in Therapy /by Christine SchmidtWhiteness was historically constructed to justify white supremacy and discrimination. Its reproduction is both conscious and unconscious. The Whiteness Learning Group offers helping professionals opportunities to explore how this racial construct limits personal and professional connections. The group meets for 6 90-minute sessions.
Whiteness Learning Group
Participants examine situations that lead to race avoidance, fragility, guilt, entitlement, and colorblindness. Participants will learn how whiteness shows up in language, behavior and emotional responses. The group supports individual and collective responses to interrupt whiteness.
For additional information about upcoming groups, visit Racial Literacy Groups.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Whiteness: Thinking about Subtle and not-so-Subtle Racial Dynamics
/in Consultation /by Christine SchmidtWhiteness is an aspect of racism that is transmitted by culture and embedded in social structures. It is reproduced in relationships between people and in institutions.
Women and the Body Experience: Anger, Aggression, and Anxiety
/in Group Therapy, Therapy /by Christine SchmidtAnger
From the time we are born, women are subjected to cultural messages. They’re taught about how to control their anger and aggressive feelings. These messages come to us from our families, from institutions, and through the media. Our bodies become repositories for these messages. Holding our anger inside and denying our aggressive feelings leads to anxiety and physical ailments. As a result it seems as if our bodies, not the socialization experience, betrays us. Read more
Sexuality, Racial Terrorism and the Presidential Election
/in Therapy /by Christine SchmidtTo understand the rallying potency of Trump’s behavior and the hatred unleashed against Clinton, consider the role of sexuality in the racial terrorism committed against Black people in the United States.
In this presidential election, Hillary Clinton is particularly despised amongst white, non-college-educated men. This is the demographic that forms the base of Trump supporters. What fears and anxieties does her campaign stir up? Read more
Racial Literacy Consultation Group
/in Therapy /by Christine SchmidtRacial Literacy Consultation Groups: Professional Development for Helping Professionals
Information about upcoming groups are available at Racial Literacy Groups.
Racial Literacy
The Racial Literacy Consultation Group aims to strengthen helping professional’s capacity to understand and respond to racial dynamics. Internalized racial oppression, racialized sexual fantasies, racial identity concerns, colorism, privilege and disempowerment impact interpersonal connections. Being able to honestly examine race-related issues enhances personal and professional self-confidence. Read more
Women and the Body Experience: Improving Our Relationship with Food and with Ourselves
/in Therapy /by Christine SchmidtGroup Psychotherapy Enhances Personal and Intimate Relationships
/in Therapy /by Christine SchmidtAfter treating Alice individually for a number of months, I said, “Alice, I’m inviting you to join my psychotherapy group. It would offer new ways to learn about your self. ”
“I’m intrigued, Christine. How is it different from they way I’m working with you now?”
“Well,” I continued, “first off, let’s consider that we’re all social beings, so the quality of our relationships influences how satisfied we are in life. “
“So true. Mostly what I talk with you about are my relationships at home and at work. That’s the basis of my ups and downs.”
I nodded in agreement, “You and I have talked a lot about the struggles you have with your partner and the pleasure you feel when you two come to an understanding. We’ve also talked about not feeling appreciated at work and how that reminds you of not feeling appreciated by your family. And you’ve told me that I don’t always appreciate the effort you make to come to therapy.” Read more
Psychotherapy, Racism, and Whiteness
/in Therapy /by Christine SchmidtRacism: the Legacy of Slavery
I wanted to learn about the beginning of racism in this country. In August I visited the Whitney Plantation Slavery Museum near Wallace, Louisiana. It resides on the banks of the Mississippi River, nestled between active sugar plantations. The heat and humidity index was 105 degrees in the shade. I went because I wanted to understand the legacy of slavery and ponder what that means to be a white person in a healing profession.
Sugar Cauldrons
Reading the names of Louisiana’s 107,000 enslaved Africans and their countries of origin on the memorial Wall of Honor allowed me to imagine real people from real places with their own languages, families, culture, and history. I read: “Agata, gender: female. Birthplace: Congo. Baba, gender: male. Birthplace: Bamana. Cocoro, gender: male. Birthplace: Guinea/Guinea Coast. Pirance, gender: female. Birthplace: Wolof. Read more
Talking to your 4 year old about racism
/in Therapy /by Christine SchmidtAt the entrance to Key Span park there’s a larger-than-life statue of Pee Wee Reese and Jackie Robinson, Reese’ arm is around Robinson’s shoulder. If you go to a Brooklyn Cyclones ballgame, that’s the first thing you’ll see. When your four year old asks why one man has his arm around the other’s shoulder, you have an opportunity to teach your child about racism. You can explain the significance of that moment in baseball history as shown in the movie “42” when Robinson, the first negro player in a professional baseball league was booed by the crowd and Reese, the team’s shortstop, showed the angry crowd that Robinson was one of them, a member of the Brooklyn Dodger’s team. Four year olds have long been able to distinguish between differences and similarities; they know about fair and unfair; they understand fighting; and they know about making it better. So, there’s a lot you can teach. Read more